10 Best Low-Maintenance Plants That Are Perfect for Your Home

Of course you love plants. Alas! you have a brown thumb. If you are thinking on similar lines, then this post will definitely interest you.

Growing and taking care of plants is not that easy, especially if you have no know-how about it. Regardless of this, if despite your best efforts the plants that you grow turn unhealthy, is wilting or dying, then do not lose hope. Instead, begin with houseplants that are easy to care for, stylish to look at and will add that much needed greenery to your home.

Wondering which are they? Then read below to know the 10 top house plants that are not only low-maintenance but also perfect for people with lack of skill at growing plants.

1. Pothos (Devil’s Ivy)

Devil’s Ivy or Golden Pothos is an attractive and fast-growing vine that can be kept indoors as well as outdoors (area that receives less sunlight). Often referred to as ‘money plant’, this rarely flowering climber flourishes well in low light and can survive in nearly all weather conditions. This leafy vine has a great significance in Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra, as it is thought to bring wealth, prosperity and positive energy to the place where it is kept. This is reason why it is often grown in houses, offices, cafes and even commercial establishments.

One of the best indoor houseplants to have, pothos has the dual advantage of being grown in soil as well as water. It is also extremely durable and can be grown into a bushy plant, trailed down from a height, decorated into wreath style or completely cover an area with its heart-shaped green foliage. Excellent in purifying air, pothos is easily available in local nurseries as well as online stores. To buy this attractive vine from an Amazon store, click here.

2. Snake Plant

Another very popular and low maintenance plant that can effortlessly beautify your home décor is a snake plant. This succulent plant is also commonly known as ‘mother-in-law’s tongue’ and ‘Saint George’s sword’. The snake plant is a tolerant plant, as it grows without fuss in a wide range of conditions and even when overlooked in your everyday busy routine. Often grown in big pots, these evergreen perennials have leaves that are broad, thick and upright and characterized by dark green color, bordered with yellow and white strips.

Snake plants are available in a couple of varieties, all of which can be grown in low light. If you have not been successful with growing plants or if you are lazy gardener, then give this plant a try. You won’t be disappointed.

3. Peace Lily

A favorite plant for many house owners, peace lilies with their dark green foliage and contrasting white colored flowers create an attractive aesthetic appeal in nearly all types of homes. This evergreen, tropical plant is simple to care for, as it grows well when kept in indirect sunlight and even darker spots of your house. A little bit of watering when the leaves start drooping and this lush, green plant is good to go.

You honestly do not need a green thumb to grow this elegant and air purifying plant.

4. ZZ Plant

A plant that is high in impact, low on maintenance and helps you breathe easily is the ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas Zamiifolia). This much in trend plant is literally ever-lasting and looks healthy, even if you have forgotten to water it for a week.

The ZZ plant is characterized by oval, waxy and glossy looking dark green leaves on well-defined stems. Though this plant loves bright, but indirect light, it can survive well in low light interior conditions too. The plant is slow in growing, needs little watering and can also thrive in cold climates. Due to its excellent survival skills and air-purifying qualities, the ZZ plant is one of the most sought-after plants for many households. A go-to plant for beginners.

Have a look at The Four Seasons ZZ plant here.

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a multipurpose plant that you would surely love growing in your house garden or balcony. After all, who wouldn’t love a useful succulent that does not need much care but is a good source of fresh aloe gel for your skin and hair needs.

Aloe vera is an ornamental plant that can be grown in bright as well as indirect sunlight. Moreover, it needs watering only when its soil feels dry on touch. Its green, fleshy and thick leaves with small ‘teeth’ at its margin, is sure to give your house décor an interesting element.

Personally speaking, I would highly recommend buying this easy-to-grow stemless plant for your house or personal office space.

6. Aglaonema (Chinese Evergreens)

A indoor house plant that you will often find beautifying many homes, especially in Asia,  is the Aglaonema or Chinese Evergreens. Hailed as a luck-bringing plant, these are one of the most durable plants you will come across. Aglaonema plants are quite tough and can grow in poor light conditions and also in moderate watering (these plants are drought-tolerant too). This plant with its attractive looking foliage is also recommended by NASA as one of the best air-purifying plants.

An ornamental plant, Chinese Evergreens are available in many variants. Their large, nearly elliptical shaped leaves come in different colors – dark green, green-silver combination, green with numerous spotted patterns of yellow, pink and even with bright red borders. No wonder why these perennial plants are one of the topmost low-maintenance plants for houses and office spaces.

To buy the above featured Aglaonema plant with pink/red streaks, click here.

7. Areca Palm

If you want to spruce up your home with a palm plant, then you will be happy to know that there are a number of palm variants available in the market. Some of the most popular being – Parlor Palm, Areca Palm, Bamboo Palm, Kentia Palm, Cascade Palm, Ponytail Palm and Pygmy Palm. However, it is the areca palm variant (also known as butterfly palm) that is a top choice for many.

This palm variety is a bushy and fuss-free plant that loves bright but indirect sunlight. Nevertheless, it is its comparatively tall height that makes it a focal point in any indoor space. Hence, you would often find it livening up a living room, a large indoor area or even an office reception area. Areca palms are also air-purifying plants and safe for your pets. If you are planning to buy one, then do have a look here.

8. Jade

An eye-catching plant, Jade plant (Crassula Ovata) is also widely known as lucky plant or money tree. Because of its small and nearly round green leaves and ability to thrive in almost all indoor conditions,  this succulent plant is a common houseplant worldwide.

Jade plant needs very little watering, can survive temperature fluctuations and even little sunlight. Hence it is quite easy to care for this plant. With its small pink or white colored flowers that bloom during winter, this plant can make fabulous addition to your home. So just go ahead and get this miniature looking tree in your house and add that much-needed touch of nature to your home.

9. Anthurium

If you are novice in plant care, then anthurium (also known as Flamingo flower) is another good indoor plant to start with. These easy-to-grow plants are durable and need little care from your side. The only things to do are to keep them in bright, indirect sunlight and water only when its soil feels dry on touch.

Anthuriums feature large, leathery and arrow shaped leaves and come in a variety of heart shaped flowers like red, pink, white and purple. An exotic looking plant that blooms almost all year round, these plants can easily become the central point in your interior décor. However, just be warned, anthuriums are toxic when consumed, so be careful with your pets and small kids.

To check out the above shown anthurium plant, click here.

10. Kalanchoe

If you receive good sunlight in your balcony, garden or window sill and want to grow a low maintenance but flowering plant, then get your hand at Kalanchoe. This succulent needs a well-drained soil and occasional watering to care for it. If that was not all, then the bold colored cluster flowers (that bloom in many bright colors like yellow, red, pink, orange, etc.) and distinct looking dark foliage will prove to be a standout among the other plants in your collection.

You can choose to grow these versatile succulents in containers or gift them to your dear ones and perk up their surroundings in an instant.